Elevate Your Online Presence: A Step-by-Step Website Design Guide to Make Your Business Soar

This is a collection of posts I made on Facebook to share my knowledge and experience on what I call the Bedrock of Internet Business—Website Design. This article will help you set up your business on the internet, fulfilling the promise of its title, ‘Elevate Your Online Presence: A Step-by-Step Website Design Guide to Make Your Business Soar.‘ The series was completed in 28 days and I here share each day with you.


My own story will amaze you

Back then in 2019, I had so much interest in computer-related stuff, even up till now as I write this piece.

In fact, I picked interest in anything that had to do with computer technology as long as it was legal.

With this strong desire in me, I started a Computer Business Centre.

However, there was a downside. I didn’t know how this knowledge would generate the kind of money I desired.

Again, I did not see anyone in the same business making that amount of money I ever envisioned.

I rendered services only to the customers who could visit my shop. I didn’t know anything about earning online.

My income here was quite low. Some days were very dry so, I’ll only incur losses.

Some months down the line, I started making a little profit.

But… nothing serious.

Then something happened in 2020 that brought a tremendous shift in my thinking.

Listen. I really want you to pay attention here.

On that fateful day, I was just scrolling through the unending posts on my Facebook News Feed, and I saw a Facebook Ad for Google Digital Skills for Africa and somehow, I quickly tapped on it and filled out the form.

You see this same Internet we are using ehn…? There are a lot of opportunities here o.

When the Digital Skills class began, I noticed there was a lot to learn from the course and we did learn much. So many amazing things to learn and implement.

But that’s not it.

One of the days, our facilitator, Tamuno Abraham, shared a link to an online summit, The Headstart Summit organized by the Founder of Headstart Africa, Sir John Obidi.

Some of you who became my Facebook friends before 2020 must have seen me share the link to The Headstart Summit on my Facebook timeline over and over.

I couldn’t help but do it. I shared it everywhere and some of my friends also joined the Summit.

In that online Summit (the largest virtual summit in Africa) with over 50,000 registered members, I saw people who were and are still making exploits in their various areas of expertise using the power of technology.

It was mind-blowing.

I kept wondering where I had been all these years. “Is the internet I’ve been using different from the one these people are using?”

I mean, see the impact people are making in their sphere of influence. See the massive money pursuing these people. You see that ‘pursue’…

When there is VALUE, people come pursuing you to give you money in exchange for a solution to their problems.

In simple terms, Value = Money.

So the summit was free but the replay wasn’t. I didn’t have the money to wait and pay for the replay, so I had to embark on a ‘screen recording mission’ because that was the only way I could keep that massive value and revisit it again and again.

That was a turning point for me. I just knew that “Oh! Beston, this is where you belong. This Internet thing? You must do it.”

So, I followed the Host and all the Guest Speakers of the summit on their various social media handles and joined their free telegram channels and groups.

For some, I later bought their courses and sat down to learn more. To understand how the system works.

This is now 4 years of actively learning, implementing, and making tangible results.

I’d like you to note these 3 things:

– Learning

– Implementation

– Results

The latter is what everyone desires, but just a few people pay attention and are ready to pay the price for the first two.

Now, if you give your all to the first two, you’ll have an edge.

I can tell you that between 2020 and now, I have learned and understood to a greater extent how the Online Business Space operates.

I’ve helped a couple of businesses grow their visibility on the internet and made more sales.

I have built several professional websites for businesses/brands.

I have trained a number of people on these Digital Skills also.

So I want to tell you that it is never too late to start. Your own story might begin today if you Learn and Implement.

Note that you can only get results when you take action. And your story is in the Results. So do you have a story?

Remember, the formula is:

Learning > Implementation > Results.


Do you know that technology has given humans the power to be omnipresent? You have been living in this world for some years now and you’ve not paid attention to this.

About 3 or 4 decades ago, it was only God who could speak with someone in Abuja and Accra for example at the same time.

It was only God who could leave everywhere at the same time.

Now, with the dawn of The New Media, man has been equipped with a little portion of God’s power to be omnipresent.

And those who know how to manipulate these ‘powers’ have turned it into a system or a business model which has made them hundreds of millions.

I mean, with the power of content creation and various digital tools available on the internet one can sit in Nigeria and make a video, upload it on YouTube and the whole world gets to watch and listen to the ideology of the video creator. This is amazing…

With the power of technology, you can write a post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn and someone sits in his bedroom somewhere miles away and is interacting with your content while you are doing some other things. This could be a blog post, WhatsApp Status, Instagram story, TikTok video, etc.

Is this not amazing? Can we not say that we are now omnipresent?

You are in your own house, probably sleeping but you are communicating with a lot of people out there who are interacting with your content.

However, the effectiveness of this power lies in the hands of those who understand the strategy of Content Marketing.

So you don’t just create content, there is another side that has to do with promoting that content.

By promotion here I mean strategically positioning your content where more eyeballs will get in touch with it.

You need an audience. You don’t just need an audience, you need an audience that is interested in your ideology, product, or service.

This is where platforms come into play. Some people have built influence to a level that they themselves have become a platform. Such that if they stop using a platform, let’s say Facebook, for example, their tribe will still follow them to where ever they go.

As good as that sounds, they did not build this traction by just using the Facebook platform alone. They have turned the power of omnipresence into a system (many tools are involved).

So while creating your content, think of how you are going to market it as well because both are very important. Which platform would you make use of? Who are the people interested in your kind of content? Where do they spend most of their time?

Social media platforms go a long way in helping you achieve this, but it has a downside…

Now, listen to me… Here is the issue…

Most of these social media platforms are RENTED LANDS. A land you don’t own, you don’t build on.

A man who wants to build a house buys a land properly and puts up a strong structure there. He determines what happens to the land. He determines who enters and exits the place.

The owner of the platform has the right to change the rules at any point in time. What this means is that you as a user of the platform can be kicked out at any point in time as well.

People have lost communities of over 140k members simply because they no longer have access to those social media accounts.

So, what’s the solution?

Anyone who is serious about his internet business has to OWN A LAND where he determines what happens. You got to own a website. Your business needs a website. It is not negotiable.

Your website will help you build and fully utilize the power of omnipresence and develop an income-generating system on the internet.

With your website (your land) you can now use social media to generate quality leads and turn them into customers. You need their data. The money they say is in the list.

On your own website, you decide what content to post there.

The ‘How’ is also in your hands. I mean, you don’t have a limitation. You make the rules over there.

Do not build on rented lands, there’s a lot you can do when you have your own land.


Would you agree with me that the Internet is the new gold?

The way I love to do business online using various digital tools is to a level that I will never stop talking about.

When I left Makurdi for Kaduna in 2019, it was out of the passion I had and still have for technology. I mean, tech is good and sweet.

Sometimes I see people holding themselves back by saying things like “I’m not a techie”, “I don’t do those internet things”, and “everything on the internet is a scam, count me out”. Well, if this is you then you got to think twice.

You need this “internet thing”. If you cannot learn by yourself then get someone who knows how to do it so they can do it for you ‘cos your business needs it.

Back to my story…

So when I got to Kaduna, my passion was still intact and this time I wanted to learn programming (coding). It was a 3-Months course.

Let me not bore you with the details but this coding class was tailored toward Web Development. So, I learned Figma, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and NodeJS.

The learning process was so exciting, especially the first 2 months. The third month was also exciting though not like the first two but I pushed on and graduated (remember the passion).

As someone who understands the principle o Learning ad Implementation, I put the knowledge to use. I developed and deployed two personal websites. It took me a long time but I eventually completed the projects.

However, there was a downside, here was I looking for a way to have an online presence and grow my business faster but here is coding taking all my time.

I had to think for hours, write codes for hours, spend more hours debugging, and all that. It was overwhelming.

I mean, I didn’t plan to take a career in Software Engineering.

I mean, I just need websites where I can promote my content.

A place where I can collect data, and create email lists for different products/services.

A place where I can just create good landing pages that can convert leads into customers fast.

A place to create pop-up forms, and live chats.

A place where I can integrate all my social media handles for easy access.

A place where an easy search on google can find me.

A place where Google can pay me to display their Ads.


Do I really need the number of hours I spent coding to get all these?

I didn’t know I had a Rolls Royce Phantom lying waste in my garage and so I was busy trekking the road of coding and debugging.

Now, after a time of thinking and making some research here and there, I discovered something called Content Management System (CMS) and that it could give me all I wanted for my business and even more.

That was how I started using WordPress which is the most popular CMS and is used by 42.8% of the top 10 million websites on the internet – Wikipedia.

A website I used 3 months or more to develop by writing codes can now be built with the use of WordPress in 3 days or less and both will give me the same results (making sales).

Today, with the use of this Content Management System, I have developed a number of websites both for my business and for my clients and they are doing well.

WordPress is easy to use. You can also use it to build your own website and promote your content.

You do not have to waste time coding what can easily be done with CMS.

I am not saying that coding is not good, in fact, the CMS itself is built using codes but if you need the knowledge just to achieve the things I’ve mentioned above then know that CMS was developed to save your time, so use it.

Now, this is not only related to coding, there is always a better route to take. So look indebt at what you are doing currently, is there a way you can do it more efficiently and faster? Think!

Stop trekking when you have a Rolls Royce Phantom in your garage. It doesn’t make sense.

NB: 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏 means ‘that is it’


This article is only for those who want to promote their content beyond social media. Those who are serious with their businesses and also want to make good money out of it.

If you are someone who wants to keep hiding their product/services from potential customers then this post is not for you at all. I mean there are people who are running businesses but even their friends do not know. Well, I don’t know why you’ll have a good skill and don’t want people to know about it.

On the other side, some people have good content and they actually desire to push it out there but they don’t just know how to go about it. If you belong here then keep reading…

It is one thing to have good products or services, it is another to promote or market them. It is one thing to create good content, it is another to promote or market that content. Remember, you are not the one consuming your product/content so you got to push it out for your audience to consume.

This is where having a website sets in. Your website is your own platform where you can promote your content without limitations. Here are some of the things a website can do to grow your brand.


Having a strong online presence, particularly a website where the detailed information about your business is well crafted and positioned earns you a level of credibility.

Without a website, many people will keep questioning your legitimacy. This is because, for a lot of people, before they do business with you, they first search for your website to know more about you. So, there may be many other businesses offering the same services you offer but having a website will help you stand out.

Lead Generation

A lead is an individual or organization with an interest in what you are selling. So a website helps you to collect the details of those interested in the service or product that you have to offer.

This is important because it is not everyone that buys from you the first time they visit your website. Some people may leave and never come back but if you have their details, you can always send emails and introduce them to new products as well.

Organic Traffic

Any business or personal brand which has a good search engine optimized website can be easily found on search engines. Won’t you like it when someone goes to Google and searches for the service you offer and your website pops up?

Some people don’t know of your existence, but a Google search will connect them with you if you have a website.

Saves Time

A well-structured website contains all the information about a business and is easily accessible by prospective customers. It will be a waste of time and energy receiving calls or responding to chats to supply information that would have been gotten from the website with just a click.

The list is long. I will tell you about the other benefits as you read on. It is possible to make money directly from your website and I will show you how.

Now let me ask you…

How would you feel if someone searches for your service/product on Google and your website pops up then they visit and see exactly what they need and they end up doing business with you?

How would you feel? 


If you are not earning from your website then of what essence is it to you? I mean, why would you deliberately decide to leave money on the table?

If you understand the principle of sowing and reaping which is also likened to times and seasons then we will even move faster.

There is always a time for planting and a time for harvest. If anyone plants and does not harvest then it means that something went wrong along the line.

This same principle plays a part in our business system as well. If you have made a lot of sacrifices and invested your time, energy, and money in a business then that business should bring its returns. If the business does not bring a high Return on Investment (ROI) as expected then it means something is wrong somewhere.

I mean, why would you put in so much to create good content and you don’t put it out there for the world to see? You have good products/services and you’re not displaying them out there? How do you intend to reap?

Own a website!

If you have put in a lot on your website then you should also make a lot more out of it. In addition to the points I made above (Day4), here are other practical ways you can earn money from your own website.

Sell Your Own Products

These could be digital products (e-books, courses, etc) or physical products. All you need to do is to create a section on your website to house your products.

You can make more sales when you create a dedicated landing page for all the products so that you can easily run Ads to direct traffic to a specific product at a time. While you do this, remember the ‘Lead Generation’ I mentioned in Day-4.

These products can be sold through your own website without any middleman having a cut from your earnings.

Sell Other Peoples’ Products

This is called Affiliate Marketing. You can easily do this on your website. Find a product you like and would recommend. Then write a post endorsing the product or service and insert links where your website visitors can click and buy the product.

If they eventually buy the product, the product owner pays you a commission. So, you have a post written and published once but a possibility to make sales over and over. I have spoken about this in one of our live sessions.

Use Ad Networks

Here you sign up on Ads networks like Google Adsense, Ezoic, Adsterra, etc and they give you a code that you use in integrating the platform with your website. This, coupled with the keywords you’ve used in your content helps the systems determine the kind of ads suitable for your visitors.

Once the integration is successful, the ads network starts displaying related ads on your website. You on the other side get paid anytime a visitor clicks on the ads. This however works better when you have well-optimized content on the pages of your website.

Sell Ads Space

When you have good traffic on your website, you now consider selling space to companies or brands looking to sponsor blogs. So, you tag a price, they pay and you advertise for them on your website for a period of time.

This ‘harvest’ comes in different forms but for this post, I will pause here and write about it another day.

A website is your asset so you got to leverage it and make your ‘harvest season’ count.

Do not put in so much and get so little in return.


If you have come this far you will agree with me that having a website is key to your brand’s success.

We’ve now left the gospel of  why you should have a website and we are stepping into how you can build your own website all by yourself.

This may sound difficult but it is actually not difficult as you have been thinking. Yeah, it will be difficult and time-consuming for those who want to write codes but what I want to show is Content Management System which is very easy to use. If you prefer watching videos then, you can click here to make payment and take my course.

Remember, I told you previously that it is not a wise decision to trek when you have a Rolls Royce Phantom in your garage.

Before you start designing your website there are a few things to consider:

The Objective of the Website

The first step is to determine what the main objective of your site is. Why are you creating this website? How does it need to function? This helps you to know the kind of features you will need to include on your website. There are different kinds of websites. You might want to create an online store, blog, portfolio, event site, etc. So, you have to first decide on what you want to achieve with your website.

The Features and Layout

After knowing clearly, the objective of your website, you then think about what kind of features will help achieve that objective and of course the best way to position the elements on your site. 

You start thinking about basic features like site logo, business name, site description, media, biography, maps, social media icons, subscriber opt-in, live chat, testimonials, navigation bar, search bar, payment system, and a whole lot of other features. This all depends on the objective in step 1 above.

You must not use it all on a website. Bear in mind that a simple and easy-to-use layout helps users navigate your site better.

Choose a Domain Name

Now that you have in mind a picture of your website, you will consider choosing a domain name. A domain name is an address (URL) to your website.

This is what users can use in order to access your web pages so it has to be easy to pronounce and also something they can remember easily.

This can be your business name or a term related to the services you offer e.g computerskills.com.ng. For portfolio or personal websites, you can use your own name too. So, you can have something like bestonkeghtor.com.

Choose a Web Hosting Plan

This is the actual process of securing a land of your own on the internet. There are various hosting companies whose service is to offer you a space on their servers to save your website pages.

Some of them include Interserver, Bluehost, GoDaddy, Namecheap, and a host of others. This hosting package contains your website pages, database, and other media files.

So anytime a user clicks on your website, the particular page loads from the server and displays on the user’s browser and they see it on their screens.

Create Website Content

Now is the time to open a Google Doc or any word processing software and write your content, and also get catchy graphics that you will use on your website. You may have to design or use free images on sites like pixabay.com.

You will craft a good description, headlines, and the initial static content for your website especially the Home, About, Services, and the Contact pages.

If you have properly done these 5 steps then you are set to start designing your new website.


Now that you have undergone the first 5 steps, you are ready to design your first website.

There are basically two ways you can do this. Either you write codes yourself (programming) or you use a Content Management System (CMS).

The former consumes more time and also gives you a little headache while optimizing your web pages for search engines. The latter makes things easy and fast since you are not doing a lot of debugging.

I have used both of them so I have the experience as you read in Day4 ‘Why Trek When You Have a Rolls Royce Phantom’.

When using CMS, a website can be built within few hours and if your content is well optimized it can give your business all the conversions it needs.

What Content Management System does is that it gives you a drag-and-drop environment with necessary features where you can input, edit and publish content; an environment where you can easily insert Menus, Forms, and all kinds of sections without writing codes.

So, while you are interacting with the CMS, it is automatically generating the codes in the background for you. Such that you don’t get to see the code itself but you design your website and it gives you the desired results.

So apart from saving you time, CMS has:

An in-built search function that makes it easier for users to access information on your website.

Search Engine Optimization features and extensions.

Security Features and Extensions.

An inbuilt feature for a quick update.

Hundreds of pre-designed templates.

Inbuilt feature for content scheduling

And lots more…

Now, there are many kinds of Content Management Systems you can use for website design but here I will be mentioning just three:

WordPress – wordpress.org

This is a free and open-source CMS. It can be used in the cloud or downloaded into the local computer to run on a local server while designing your website. WordPress is the most popular CMS. It powers over 43% of all websites on the internet. It is also one of the popular platforms used for blogging.

Wix – wix.com

This is another beginner-friendly website design platform. Unlike WordPress which is unrestricted, Wix only offers you a free service when you agree to use their branded domain name, and you are also comfortable with them displaying ads on your website. For no-ads packages, Wix offers from $8/month to $24/month.

Shopify – shopify.com

Shopify is an all-in-one hosted CMS platform. If you are using Shopify, you won’t need to buy hosting, install software, or manage some things like updates and backups. However, it is not free and their charges are quite high – ranging from $29/month to $299/month.

Some other platforms include Webflow, Joomla, Drupal, and Squarespace but in this Website Design Series, we shall be considering WordPress which is free, easy to use and the most popular among all the Content Management Systems on the internet.


The experience I’ve had training people on website design is that most people feel website design is very difficult. Somehow, after the classes they’ll always chat telling me how the whole thing is not as difficult as they thought. This has always been the case…

You are probably reading this post and deep down in your heart, you are scared of trying your hands on website design just because you think it’s difficult. It is not difficult as you think, WordPress has simplified everything. A lot can be done in just some minutes.

Now, WordPress can be used in two ways:


You can download WordPress and install it on the local server on your computer and build your website easily. This does not require you to buy a domain name and hosting plan except at the time of deploying the site to the online server.


Here you first register a domain name and hosting plan then install WordPress on the online server and start building your website. So, everything is done online from start to finish. However, you may choose to save a backup copy of the website on your computer after completion.

We will first consider the ‘offline WordPress’. In fact, if you do not have enough money to buy a domain name and hosting then this is the best option for you to practice designing a website.

So, let’s begin…


There are four tools you will have to download in order to design your website offline:


Head on to wordpress(.org) and click on ‘Get WordPress’ this displays the latest version of WordPress. Click on download and save it to your computer. Then unzip it because it comes as a zipped folder.


This is the local server on which your offline website will run. It also helps you with the database for your website. To download it, open apachefriends(.org) and select ‘Xampp’ under the operating system you have on your computer and download. Then go ahead and install it.


A WordPress theme is a tool that helps you change the layout and appearance of your website. This includes color, typography, and other elements.

There are many themes available for use. Some are free while some are premium. Here, we will be making use of ‘Astra’ Theme. So open wordpress.org and click on ‘Themes’ on the menu bar then search and download ‘Astra’.


A plugin is a small software application that extends the features and functionality of a WordPress website. Plugins actually play a great role in building websites. They make it easier for users to add features to their website without coding anything.

There are thousands of plugins and their usage totally depends on what you want to achieve at a time. Here we are going to install ‘Starter Templates’. This plugin helps in importing pre-designed templates which makes our work easy and fast.

So open wordpress.org and click ‘plugins’ then search for ‘Starter Templates’ and download.


Now that you are done downloading the tools, you need to create a database where all your website data will be saved. To do this, open the ‘xampp’ you installed in step 2 above and start ‘Apache’ and ‘MySql’.

Open your browser and type ‘localhost’ and hit ‘enter’ then click ‘PhpMyAdmin’ and create a new database.


You will now copy the unzipped WordPress folder in step 1 and paste it to Local Drive C:/xampp/htdocs and rename the folder with your business name. The new folder name becomes your domain name.

Then open your browser and type ‘localhost/yourdomainname’ and hit enter. Follow the steps and install WordPress. Is quite straightforward.

After installation, it will automatically take you to a login page where you will log in and have access to your dashboard.


Now that you are in your dashboard, head on to theme (Left Panel) and add the ‘Astra’ Theme you downloaded. After uploading it successfully, click on activate.

In the same way, go to ‘plugins’ (Left Panel) and add the ‘Starter Templates’ plugin you downloaded and also activate.

After activation, check just below the ‘Starter Templates’ you will see ‘Get Started’. Click on it and follow the steps to import a new complete website template of your choice.

There are quite many of them there. Wait for the process to complete (100%).

That’s all…

Open another tab on your browser and type ‘localhost/yourdomainname’ and hit enter, you will see your brand-new website there.

This process described here is done under 10 minutes. You may think it is difficult, but it is only difficult when you have not started.

Start and you’ll see how simple it is.


If you went through the Part 2 above yesterday you will understand that WordPress can be used both offline and online.

So, you can design a complete website offline and then deploy it to the online server or you can design everything online from start to finish. We have done justice to the offline part, now I will be showing you how it is done online.

This is even simpler and more straightforward than offline WordPress. Just come with me

Designing a WordPress website online requires 5 major steps:

Register a Domain Name and Web Hosting

When you want to build a house, you first secure a piece of land and then a proper address with which you give direction to your house. Here we are, doing a similar thing on the internet. The hosting plan is our ‘land’ while the domain name is our house address. Now, how is it done?

There are many hosting companies on the internet and all of them offer a common service of providing hosting servers to website owners. Some of the hosting companies include Interserver, BlueHost, GoDaddy, Qservers, Namecheap, HostGator, and many others. I personally use Interserver mostly because of their services and support system.

Note that you can choose to buy a domain name from one company and a hosting plan from another. There are some pros and cons to this though. For beginners, it is advisable to buy both the domain name and web hosting from the same hosting company so as to avoid all the technicalities of pointing a domain name to another server.

So, to buy a domain name and hosting, head on to the website of any of the hosting companies mentioned above and click on ‘web hosting’ then select the package you can afford (this is dependent on the size of your business or the traffic you forecast to receive on the website) then search for a new desired domain name.

Note here that a particular domain name can be allocated to only one user at a time so if the domain name is available, you’ll see a congratulatory message, then the amount.

Proceed and select the duration of your subscription. This could be monthly, quarterly, biannually, annually, and so on… I advise you go for an annual subscription.

After selecting the package, follow the steps and make payment with your card or any other payment channel more convenient for you.

When you have successfully done the payment, the details of your hosting plan will be sent to your registered email. This also contains the details of your control panel where you have all the tools required to manage the hosting package.

Install WordPress

Now that you have secured a domain name and web hosting, it’s time to install WordPress.

Log in to your Control Panel using the detail in your email, then scroll down to the ‘Software’ section and click ‘Softaculous Apps Installer’.

Select WordPress, click ‘Install’, and insert your site name, site description, username and password then follow the steps and complete the installation.

After installation, you will be logged into your WordPress Dashboard automatically. Ensure you save your username and password.

Install Theme

In your WordPress dashboard, head on to ‘Themes’ on the left panel, then ‘Add New’ and search for ‘Astra’ theme. Install and activate it. See details in yesterday’s post – ‘You Too Can Design a Website (Part  2)’

Install Plugin

On the same left panel in your WordPress dashboard, click on ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add New’ and search for ‘Starter Templates’ plugin. Install and activate.

Go ahead and import a complete predesigned website template. See details in yesterday’s post – ‘You Too Can Design a Website (Part 2)’.

Once you have successfully completed the 4 steps above, open a new browser tab and type your domain name, and hit ‘Enter’.

You will see your brand-new website there… It’s that simple.

So what are you going to do next?


Now, you have a brand-new website but it is a free pre-designed template that came with content which is not yours. By content, I mean the write-ups, images, audio, and videos on your website.

So, the next step is to edit the web pages, and replace all the fields or sections with your own content. You may have to delete some web pages entirely and create new ones in order to suit your business demands.

This can be done in two basic ways:

Using WordPress Editor

WordPress has an in-built editor which contains blocks that allow you to add content elements. So you can use it to edit your website and even add more blocks for paragraphs, headings, lists, images, videos, accordions, and many more.

This block editor is very good for blog posts. So as a writer, you can use this editor to write your content and publish it on your blog. It has an option for scheduling posts as well.

You can also use it to build and publish your web pages though, for me, I prefer using WordPress editor for blog posts and then this second method below for creating pages.

Using a Plugin

Like I said in the previous post, plugins help extend the features and functions of a WordPress website. So there are many things that WordPress itself can not do but plugins can help you do them easily.

Now, there is a plugin called Elementor and its primary function is to help you build web pages with ease. It is a premium plugin but the free version alone has a lot.

Elementor gives you a drag-and-drop environment where you can edit or add all kinds of sections and fields. With Elementor, you don’t struggle to create web pages from scratch, there are many templates to choose from.

While editing your website, know that you have a goal in mind. You are not just designing the website, there is an objective. The larger part of this depends on the kind of business or organization you are building the website for and what you want to achieve with the website.

But all websites are geared toward selling an idea, product, or service to the general public. And there is no limitation to the number of people you would want to visit your website. In fact, the more traffic, the better.

I mean, the traffic is what all of us want, cos that’s where the money is.

There are basic features your website must have to enable you to achieve your goal. Apart from making your website simple and easy to use, I will mention a few other features here:

Company Name and Logo

Place your company name on the top of the home page of your website. Don’t let your visitor have to scroll down in search of your business name. Once the home page loads, they should see the name. This gives them the assurance that they are in the right place.


A short description or company tagline should appear somewhere near the company name or logo. This helps first-time visitors understand what your site is all about at a glance.

Navigation Bar

This is sometimes called the menu. Place the main pages of your website on the navigation bar such that visitors can easily navigate the site and get their desired results. Have the ‘Home’, ‘Services’, ‘Contact’, ‘Blog or News’, and all the most important pages well displayed on the navigation bar.

Search Bar

Some visitors who already know exactly what they need from your site would want to go straight and get their problem solved. A search bar will help them bring out the actual content they need. This is best placed on the navigation bar. WordPress has an in-built function that allows you to insert a search bar.


So, from your web analytics, you see that your website is having visitors but somehow, they are not buying your products or services.

I have seen many people build a website and use it only for one year. Once the first annual subscription expires, they don’t see any need to subscribe again.

Why is it so? Why are others making money from theirs and yours is not bringing its returns? I mean this conflict with the principle of sowing and reaping, right? If you have sown then you should also reap just like others are reaping.

If it’s not happening this way then it means others are doing something that you are not doing.

Have you set up a mechanism to retain those website visitors? What value are you offering to them? Have you ever collected their data (email, phone,) so you could target them again? What have you done? Just a website?

I mentioned above some features you ought to have on your website in order to make your idea, product, or service sell. Here, I will write about the following:

Call To Action (CTA)

Tell your visitors the next action to take. They have come to your website for a reason, they are looking for a solution to their problem. Your website should have a clear button on the navigation bar and the home page banner telling them what to do.

In fact, it is best when all your pages have a CTA. It can be something like ‘Get Started’, ‘Hire Me’, ‘Contact Us’, ‘Chat Me’, ‘Send a Message’, ‘Buy Now’, etc.

The button is taking them to where they’ll buy the product, fill out a form, join a group, or chat with you on WhatsApp or any other platform, depending on what you want to achieve.

Social Media Icons

Assist people in getting to know you via social channels by inserting social media icon on your nav bar and footer sections. This helps your website visitors easily follow you on other channels as well. The power of social media marketing cannot be overstated.

Subscriber Opt-in

Ensure you have an opt-in form where your visitors can sign up for updates. Offer to give them an incentive. It could be a freebie or a discount but let it be attractive enough to get them to sign up.

The essence is to create an email list. You could collect phone numbers and create a WhatsApp broadcast list or even call if possible. About 95% of visitors will not buy from you the first time they visit your site. So, collecting their data is very important.


Having a blog on your website is a great way to drive traffic to your website. This is where you provide regular updates through published posts.

Write well-optimized unique content related to your service or product so that a Google search can bring in more visitors and they end up discovering the products you have on your website.

Let your blog page show on the navigation bar so that direct visitors can also visit it easily.


Create a section for reviews and testimonials. Social proof is essential. Your visitors want to understand two things: Can you do what you say you do? Is there any evidence that you are capable? If you can get video testimonials, it’s great but if not then use text but ensure the photos of the people are there with their names at least.

Online Chat Feature

Instant communication while the visitor is researching. Chatbots are becoming amazing tools to qualify and route requests through chat accurately and conveniently.

Create a live chat that pops up at intervals when a user visits your website. This helps in answering their questions and it’s also another means of collecting their data.

Of course, features like privacy policy, terms and conditions, cookies policy, and other business information like contact details; phone, address, and google map are not to be left out.

Look into these and do a proper follow-up on your list and let’s see if your website will not generate good income for you.


The goal of every business owner is to have more customers, make more sales and earn more money. Right? I mean, this is the desire of everyone in business, except for those in the business of community service.

Inasmuch as the desire is there, I have found out that many people still find it very difficult to get customers online. You may also be in this category and maybe thinking of giving up. As you read this, some business owners have given up already but it’s because they didn’t learn what I am about to show you here.

A website is a great tool to increase business visibility; get more eyeballs to see your content. And you have higher chances of patronage when your daily website visitors keep increasing. In the digital marketing world, the visitors are called traffic.

There are many ways to monetize your website but how much money you will earn from it totally depends on the amount of traffic you are driving to the website. This is where you have to pay more attention. You got to position your business to attract the right traffic.

There are basically two methods of driving traffic to your website and we will be discussing one today.


This simply means generating traffic to your website through unpaid means. There are several channels where you can pull traffic to your website. So as long as you are not paying money to any platform or individual to get those visitors, it is referred to as organic traffic.

When you search for something on Google and a list of results is displayed, apart from maybe the first 3 results which are paid ads, the rest are ranked organically. The organic traffic method brings highly engaging customers and has high conversion rates.

Now, how do you increase your website traffic organically? I will mention about 5 ways here:

Having a Business Blog

You can drive massive traffic by having a blog on your website where you can regularly publish useful, long-form content. This is non-negotiable. The more value you offer on your site, the more reasons people will have to visit it. Create a blog and publish content related to what your business offers.

Implement Good Search Engine Optimization

Consider using keywords that your customers are likely to be searching for on Google and other search engines. Optimize each page for a particular keyword such that when a user searches for it, your web page will display in the search results.

Some tools like Google Trends, Semrush, Keyword Planner, Soovle, Answer The Publick can help you know what keywords your potential customers are searching on the internet. I will be giving you details about this in another post.

Create Good Content

You hear a lot of people saying ‘content is king’. If you create good content on your website or blog, you will keep visitors coming back for more. Then they will also engage with your content better and share it with others. This keeps increasing your web traffic.

Leverage Facebook Groups

Facebook is a great way of driving traffic to your website. Join Facebook groups of large membership sizes and post valuable content regularly. First, go through their rules and understand their dos and don’ts. Some groups don’t allow links while some do.

So, make valuable posts and include your website links where applicable. Also, answer questions and refer them to your website for details. If you do this properly, you’ll see a tremendous shift.

You can also do this on other platforms like: Quora, Medium, NairaLand, and LinkedIn.

Just be sure to adhere to their rules and regulations in order to avoid being banned.

Create YouTube Video Tutorials

This is another great resource for driving free traffic to your website. It may be time-consuming but it works. Create video tutorials and offer good value in them, then in each video description, insert your website links. This takes them straight to your website.

Note that, in driving traffic organically, you may not necessarily use all the strategies I’ve shown you here. Pick the ones that work best for you and run with them for better results.


There’s a reason why you have to take this seriously. In the near future, I will be telling you about several ways you can monetize your website. And when I do, you will fully understand why driving traffic to your website is very necessary.

The more traffic, the more money you make…

In the online business world, two major things are involved – money and time. Those who have both thrive better, but on the other hand, it is very important to have at least one.

As a matter of fact, you can not say you don’t have time and at the same moment, you don’t have money also. If you don’t have both, then it’s a problem that needs to be solved immediately. You may be wasting time on things that do not really matter.

Now, if you do not have money, organic traffic is what you will focus on. Use the time you have and do the things I mentioned in Day 12.

But if you have money, you can combine both organic traffic and paid traffic which I will talk about now.


Here, as the name implies, you pay money to platforms or individuals (influencers) to promote your website for a period of time. Unlike the organic traffic method which is a longer-term investment, paid ad campaigns can be more lucrative in the short term.

However, the downside of paid website traffic is that it becomes pricey when you want to run the campaign at all times.

Now let’s dive into the different ways you can drive paid traffic to your website.

Google Ads

When you search for anything on Google, the first 3 or 4 results that display are usually adverts from different website owners. You too can pay money to Google to promote your website such that when your potential customers search for the keywords you’ve used in your content, your website displays on their browsers.

Google has a mechanism that allows you to adjust your bid by device, target users by geographical area, and demographic group, and retarget people who have visited your website before. Google as an Ad Network also displays your website on other people’s blogs.

Facebook Ads

Facebook advertisement is a must for anyone who intends to pay for traffic. Facebook has a lot of options, you can choose to display your Facebook ads on the newsfeed, messenger, and Instagram. There are options where you can do detailed targeting by age, place, interests, and many more.

You can also allow Facebook to automatically select the best audience to promote your website to. Though I prefer choosing my audience. Note that Facebook ads are run only on Facebook pages and not profiles.

LinkedIn Ads

Consider running Ads on LinkedIn if your business offers a Business-to-business (B2B) service or product. This is because you can target specific audiences based on roles, companies, and professional networks.

LinkedIn is also a highly trusted network that can provide added credibility to your promotions.

Twitter Ads

Twitter advertising also has a lot of potential in terms of reach and engagement. With the ‘website click’ ads objective, you can run ads on Twitter and drive massive traffic to your website.

Influencer Marketing

This source has proven to be effective as well. Here, you contact social media influencers who have a very large following to endorse and place your brand on their various channels. This could be on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or their blogs.

This goes a long way because most of their followers already have a level of trust in them, so once they endorse your brand, you receive a lot of traffic.

The charge here is more friendly as compared to those listed above and some influencers can even allow you to barter in the future.

In a nutshell, website traffic can be driven from many sources at the same time. It all depends on your budget and the kind of product or service you offer. So, you’ll choose the ones that work best for you and run with them.


Do you know why Google has now been turned into a verb?

So, you hear people saying things like “if you don’t know it you can Google it” or “I Googled it yesterday” or “a little Googling can give you the results”.

Google as the most popular search engine on the internet plays a huge role in research and learning. This search engine has an invisible link with the human brain. I mean, Google thinks for you and also reminds you of things you’ve forgotten about.

When you want to learn or remind yourself about something, the first thing that comes to your mind is Google. And when you search on google you surely get all that you want. Even lots more…

That’s on the consumers’ side. On the flip side, you have content creators and that is where you as a business owner belong.

You must have heard other online business coaches or digital marketing expert talk about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Yeah, this is the process of positioning your content in a way that search engines can easily identify and pick it out amidst thousands of related content and display it to your potential customers.

There is a way you can structure your content to communicate with search engines. Search engines understand the language of keywords.

When someone opens Google and types a question or phrase, hits ‘enter’, and sees results, that ‘question or phrase’ is the keyword we are talking about.

So, for your content to display on search engines, you must carry out keyword research to know the kind of keywords your own potential readers (customers) are typing on search engines every day.

This is very important…

Now, there are many tools on the internet that can help you carry out this keyword research. I will mention just a few here.

Google Trends

Open google trends and type a word or two about what you want to write about, then check the ‘related queries’ section. Those are the keywords people are searching for on google. It also has a section where you can know the search history and the locations where those searches are made from.


This is a robust keyword research tool. Unlike other keyword research tools, Semrush shows you keywords that your competition already ranks for and also gives you a detailed SEO analysis of your website.


This tool collects data from many search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Amazon, etc, and suggests a list of keywords for you to use in your content. This way you can obtain new keywords that your competition does not know about.


On QuestionDB, you type a keyword or broader topic and it brings up a list of related questions people ask online. While other tools show question-based keywords pulled from search engines, QuestionDB scrapes questions from all across the web, including sites like Reddit and Quora.

Other keyword research tools include Answer the Public, Keyword Surfer, Jaaxy, and many others.

So, after gathering the keywords from the keyword research tools which are in form of questions, you will now craft a blog post that will be an answer to those questions.

To do this properly, you will have to install a WordPress SEO plugin. You can make use of the Yoast SEO plugin or Rank Math SEO. I use more of Yoast SEO but it all depends on what you are more familiar with.

This SEO Plugin guides you on how to write a blog post that will rank high on search engines. It also has a feature that rates the readability of your content and tells you where and how to make corrections.

With this, you have a guide to insert the right description, image attributes, and headings related to your key phrase. It also shows you a preview of how your blog post will appear on the Google search engine when your potential customers search for the related keywords.

Make sure you follow all the suggestions provided by the plugin. When all is done correctly, the initial red-faced avatar on the plugin changes to green. This tells you that your post is ready to be published.

So, you go ahead and publish your post.

That’s it


From the experience I’ve had training people in Website Design, many people think that before they design their first website they must buy a domain name and web hosting.

The money for this subscription can be about $12 per annum but can sometimes be as high as $30,000 or even more. That’s a lot of money there and not many people would want to spend that much on a website when there are cheaper or even free options.

Now, you can build a website using a free domain and hosting but it is not advisable to do so when you are designing a serious website either for your own business or for a client. Apart from people not taking you seriously, there are several limitations in terms of features offered by these free hosting companies.

However, there are a few reasons or situations where you would want to use the free stuff. When you are learning Website Design and you need a platform to implement or practice what you’ve learned. You can do an entire website setup with free hosting and try out several things.

Another reason is when you want to test-run an idea to know its viability and you don’t have enough funds to invest in it, free hosting can serve you to a great extent.

𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗌𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗈𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝖺 𝖼𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗇𝗍? You can make use of free hosting and just send the URL to your client who goes through it and gives you feedback.

I personally make use of free hosting a lot and here, I will mention about 5 of those free hosting companies, the features they offer, and how you can access them.

Infinity Free

I make use of this hosting company very often. If you sign up on their platform, they give you an opportunity to create 3 different subdomain names and they do not display ads on your website. They also give you free access to unlimited storage and bandwidth.

Wix (wix.com)

This is an all-in-one website-building platform that also provides server space for websites. They offer a lot of beautiful templates which you can just select and use for free. Wix also gives free subdomains, free SSL, and some other wonderful features. However, for their free plan, they display ads on your website.

AwardSpace (awardspace.com)

AwardSpace offers a variety of hosting services. It is best known for its free plan, which includes one website, three subdomains, 1GB of disk space, and other interesting features. This is also ads-free.

000WebHost (hostinger.com)

This is a free hosting option from Hostinger. They offer free hosting for one website, 300 MB of disk space, 3GB of bandwidth, and some other features. It also has a website builder called Zyro which should make designing your website less intimidating. They do not display ads on your website also.

Freehostia (freehostia.com)

This hosting company offers a free plan called ‘Chocolate’ with 5 websites 250 MB disk space, 6 GB bandwidth, and more. They do not display ads on your website and they also offer good technical support.

Some other free hosting companies include FreeHosting, ByeHost, HyperPHP, InstaFree, and others.

Note that for some free hosting plans, you may have to get a free domain name from another platform like Freenom and point it to the free hosting. It’s a simple process though.

In conclusion, as I said earlier, a lot of free hosting plans are unable to meet even the most basic standards required to run a successful business website. So, if you intend to run a serious website it is better to host it on cheap shared hosting providers which usually offer quality service at a reasonable price.

Click here to enroll for the Website Business Mastery Course and learn all of these with practical videos and also have a chance to join our support community to interact with like-minds.


I wanted to buy a Ring Light sometime last year for online live lessons on website design. So I went to Jumia, searched for it, and saw a number of them that were good. But while I was searching, I remembered a friend that once advertised Ring Lights so I felt I should just reach out and buy from him instead.

So, I left Jumia and went to WhatsApp and had a chat with my friend and ended up buying from him.

Now, something happened, and I really want you to pay more attention here. For about a whole week, each time I opened Facebook or Instagram I would see Ring Light ads everywhere. I’m sure this has happened to you also. I mean, it happens all the time, maybe you’ve not paid attention.

Try it! Search for a product on any online store and leave without buying, you will surely see the ads on other platforms.

They are able to do this because they keep track of your activity on their website. They know what and what you searched for. They know how long you stayed on their website. They know that you are visiting their website from google search, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or whatever platform you saw their URL and clicked to visit their website.

They also know if you are using a mobile phone or laptop. They know your location, at least the country and city. And if you even signed up on the website, they get to know your name, email, sex, marital status, and all.

So, tell me why they will not market their product to you wherever you go to. In fact, with proper data from your Facebook, they even know the kind of products you are interested in. With this, they even know the kind of emails they will send to you.

You hear people say “there is money in the follow-up”. This is the true picture of it. More than 90% of your website visitors will not buy from you the first time they visit your website. So, tracking them helps you serve them better.

This actually helps you as the business (website) owner in several ways:

Points Out Your Website’s Weaknesses

Web traffic and page view data can shine a light on your website’s weakness from a marketing standpoint. If some pages receive clicks but users turn to spend little time on them as they do on other pages then it’s a sign that you have to change something.

Data also helps you know things like your website loading speed and all. When fixed, it improves the users’ experience on your website.

Improve Marketing Campaigns

The information about your customer’s online behavior makes it easier to understand the performance of your marketing funnel and where to fill in any gaps. By keeping track of this, you’ll know the channel that moves leads down the funnel quicker. This helps you save your money.

Create an Efficient Content Plan

Creating a content plan is not easy but can be made easier if you analyze the data gathered from your website. Tracking helps you understand what content is sought after by your audience and what you should focus on in the future.

Optimize for Sources You’re Not Seeing

Tracking your website visitors gives you an idea of where your traffic is coming from. It can drive strategies regarding regions to focus on, industries to target or even languages to translate your content into. You will also know if you need to optimize more for sources you are not seeing at all.

Tracking your website visitors helps grow your business in no small measure.


There are many tools or software that can help you track your website visitors. Most of the tools primarily focus on three categories of data: website analytics, user behavior, and visitor identity.

Some of these tools can be integrated with your website using a plugin while some give a short code that can be copied and pasted in your <head> tag on the pages you want to track.

When trying to decide which tracking software to use it’s important to consider what type of data your business would want to gather. Then your budget may also come to play since some of the tools are not free to use.

Here, I will mention about 5 tools you can use for web analytics and traffic tracking:

Google Analytics (analytics.google.com)

This is a free tool offered by Google. It gives you the key audience and behavior website metrics as well as segments such as audience demographics, devices used, and new versus returning visitors. You can have access to this by installing Google Site Kit plugin in your WordPress dashboard. This also comes with a lot of other features.

Hitsteps (hitsteps.com)

This tool is super cool for real-time website visitor tracking. Just on its dashboard, you can see the country your visitors are in, the source of traffic, the page they are currently on, the browser they are using, the operating system, etc. It also offers keyword analytics and cross-device tracking. This is a paid tool but if your website receives less than 2,000 visitors in a month then the free version can serve you perfectly.

KissMetrics (kissmetrics.io)

This tool can be used by businesses that offer Software as a service (SaaS) or e-commerce platforms. It provides a full “journey” for each user’s time spent on your website. This helps determine the best leads and where to focus more efforts in the future. It can be easily integrated with Shopify or on a WordPress website using the Kissmetrics plugin. This is, however, not a free tool.

Crazy Egg (crazyegg.com)

This tool provides reports such as heatmaps of website clicks, scroll times, and bounce rates combined with rich visitor information meant to offer a full picture of each unique experience and the ways in which they interact with the content on your site. It is not free, just a 30-day trial, and can be integrated using a WordPress plugin.

Lead Forensics (leadforensics.co)

This tool focus more on Business-to-Business (B2B) companies. It allows you to discover new leads in real-time as they visit your site, providing you with their contact information. Lead Forensics also provides automatic lead scoring to determine how likely a user is to convert based on criteria such as their demographics and behavior, with a fully customizable “dream customer” portal to assist your sales efforts.

Other tools like Semrush, Mixpanel, Leadfeeder, and Act-On can also go a long way in helping you know the best marketing strategy to adapt as they feed you with the required data from your website.

Explore these tools and focus on the ones that give you the best results. Be intentional about your website and let it bring the money it was meant to bring.

It’s very important


The goal is to sharpen our axes and be well positioned for opportunities that are surely coming our way. You might have missed some opportunities but you must not miss the ones coming in the future.

In life generally, sometimes you know your needs but very often you don’t. I mean, there were times you needed something but you were not even aware of that need. This totally depends on what you knew at that point in time.

This is why you must continue to write and also read from others. Who you are today is a result of the knowledge you’ve acquired in the past. And what you’ll become tomorrow is also dependent on what you are learning and implementing today.

Many are impacting lives through their writing. They’ve created brands out of it and increased their sphere of influence. Writing has brought them good and profitable relationships and even monetary rewards and lots more.

We’ve seen a lot of those testimonies on the internet.

Today, I want to mention to you an important strategy you must adapt as a writer to be well positioned, monetize and build influence out of your writing skill.

You need to have a platform.

By platform, I mean a place where you can build an audience. Social media is a very good way to do this but if you read my Day 2, ‘Do Not Build on Rented Lands’ you will understand that you are subject to algorithms, platform changes, and the possibility of losing it altogether.

This is why it is very important to marry it with your own platform; a website or blog where you are in charge of your content.

Irrespective of your niche, you need a website that will showcase your works, credentials, and even your digital products. You can use your name as a domain name for this kind of website. Something like bestonkeghtor.com. Let it serve as your portfolio also.

In today’s world, people find you through the Internet. People now ‘google’ someone they meet or hear about to learn more. If they search for your name on Google now, what would they see? You don’t want to miss those opportunities. Each time someone finds your website or blog, that’s an opportunity to promote yourself and your product.

As a writer, your name is your brand, a website gives you the opportunity to put it out there 24/7. The internet is always “on” and with your well-optimized content, search engines can always rank you.

Your website will help you build an email list which is very critical. Offer a weekly or monthly newsletter where you write about updates in your niche and also recommend products. This is also a potential list of buyers for your books and future books, classes, podcasts, and any personal appearances or speaking you may be offering.

By the time you start having reasonable traffic on your website, you can even monetize it by joining some affiliate programs related to your niche. So that while you are writing your content, you can insert links where your visitors can click and buy other people’s products and you get paid a commission.

I can go on and on… Do not miss out on having a proper online presence. You don’t necessarily have to be tech-savvy. Things have been simplified these days.


The major reason why I started writing this article is to share the knowledge I have in Website Design; let you understand the enormous opportunities website owners have and how you can also tap into them by having your own website.

Remember, I told you earlier that having a website is not negotiable except if you want to play small for life.

Click here to watch a live session I had on this some days ago.

If you read my Day 5, ‘Make More Money With Your Website‘, you will see that I mentioned about 5 ways you can monetize your website but to avoid making the post too long, I didn’t go into details. Now is the time to write about each of them, so in the next couple of days, I will be writing about them in detail.

We will consider how to monetize your website with Affiliate Marketing.

You must have heard about affiliate marketing severally but you’re always asking yourself what it means. Affiliate Marketing in simple terms means selling other people’s products for a commission.

So, you have a product (digital or physical) and you said anyone who helps you sell a piece of the product gets 20% of the product price. I now carry the product, find a buyer, sell, and collect my 20%.

That’s all… That’s the business model. It can be a passive income stream or even a full-time business (active income).

There are two sides to it. You can create an Affiliate Program where you have your own products on your website and give other people the opportunity to promote the products and earn a commission for each sale they make. By this, you’ll make more sales.

The second part is you as a website owner promoting other peoples’ products. We will dwell more on this side because this is much easier to start than the former.

Now, inasmuch as there are various ways and platforms (Facebook, WhatsApp, etc) to help promote these affiliate products, if you don’t have a website, you will be limited in no small measure.

But how do you even start?

First, you already have a niche you are writing your content about. If you don’t have, you’ll have to pick a niche, study it and be able to create good content around it.

People are visiting your site first, because of your content, they are not visiting to buy affiliate products. So, your content has to be one that can solve at least part of their problems. You can know this by keyword research, I wrote about this in Day 12.

Having good content drives the right organic traffic to your website which constitutes your potential buyers.

How then do you get these affiliate products?

There are many affiliate programs online. It all depends on which niche you belong to. If you write about personal development, there are books, courses, and membership programs you can promote in your content. For someone like me who is into website design, I can join domain registrars or hosting providers and promote their products in my blog posts.

A little google search can give you a lot of affiliate programs related to your niche. Look for the ones that can complement your content, and check the percentage commission to be offered if it’s worth your time.

If you want to go into Affiliate Marketing then I recommend this Complete Affiliate Marketing Course for you.

You can sign up on Affiliate Marketing Platforms depending on the product you want to promote. For physical products, you can consider, Jumia, Konga, PayPorte, etc. For digital products, consider ClickBank, Commission Junction, Expertnaire, Stakecut, and several others. You can even promote your mentor’s products if they have put up an affiliate program in place.

How do you do it on your site?

For every product you choose to promote, a unique link is given to you by the product owner. So you simply copy the link and use it in your content at relevant places.

When you are reading content on blogs, you see a lot of “click heres” and several other links. Most of them lead to affiliate products.

You can be publishing these posts maybe once a week, it all depends on you. Some people publish every day and in a short time, they have a lot of VALUABLE content on their blogs.

With this, you can write your content once but keep making sales and earning commission as long as the content is still relevant.

You too can do this and earn money if you have a website.

Write once, earn over and over…


As a good writer who owns a website, especially a blog there are enormous opportunities for you in this digital world.

Many people get confused about the difference between a website and a blog. I have received questions like this so many times.

Now, all blogs are websites but not all websites are blogs. A website has static pages while a blog is dynamic.

You can have a website and decide to choose one of the pages and turn it into your post page. That page then becomes your blog.

All your published posts will be displayed on that particular page. It will contain the recent posts, post categories, and also archives.

So, when you have a well-structured blog and you have published good posts, it is time to monetize your blog.

But you can not just monetize your blog without traffic. There has to be good daily traffic on your blog. In fact, the more traffic the better. This is where organic traffic and/or paid traffic come in. See details in Day 12 and 13.

After publishing each post on your blog, ensure you submit the link on Google Search Console. This allows Google to index your post in its library. This makes it easier to display your post when people search for a related keyword on Google.


Ad networks are companies that connect advertisers with website owners who want to host advertisements. They mostly reward the website owners using their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) method. This means that as soon as your website visitor clicks on the advert, you get paid at the back end.

Ad networks have the required tool to know the kind of adverts to display on your website that matches your site content.

There are many ad networks today that you can use on your website or blog. All you need to do is signup on to their platforms and integrate them into your website then set up the kind of ad format you want. Below are some of the ad networks you can use:

Google AdSense (google.com/adsense)

This is a very popular ad network and is very good at displaying relevant banner ads/video ads to your readers. Google AdSense, however, has strict requirements which makes it a little hard to get approved but once the requirements are met you are good to go.

Adsterra (adsterra.com)

You can monetize any traffic with Adsterra from desktop/mobile website traffic to social/mobile app traffic. The approval here is simple and fast with no minimum traffic. Adsterra has a lot of ads format which you can choose from.

Propeller Ads (propellerads.com)

Propeller Ads offers monetization opportunities to website owners through ads and also gives access to their affiliate program. Approval and the integration process are also easy.

Ezoic (ezoic.com)

Here is another good ad network you can use on your blog. Their requirements are a bit high for starters but are achievable if you put more effort into developing valuable and well-optimized content.

There are many other ad networks like Popads, Adcash, SmartyAds, and others which you can utilize.

One good thing about owning a website is that there are many ways to monetize it.

So, while you are still writing content and building traffic in order to start earning good income from ad networks, you can utilize other streams which I will be mentioning below.


It’s only when you offer a product or service that we can say you own or run a business. In this information age, digital products have made a lot of millions for business owners. This is huge because of the lesser cost and ease involved in creating and marketing digital products.

As a writer, an e-book with value filed content can make a good number of sales without transportation costs, publishing costs, and all. It has its expenses though, but far lesser when compared with physical products. The same thing applies to other digital products like courses and software.

This is not to say that physical products can not be sold online. In fact, there are many online stores whose primary business is to connect consumers with the producers of physical products. Even books that have been uploaded on a website as paperback or hardcovers are printed and shipped to consumers in various locations.

But how can all of these be done without a website? Here I will be giving you 3 ways you can sell products on your own website.

  1. As a product owner, your website can have a page for your products. You can even create dedicated pages for different products so that you can run ads to promote a particular product at a time. Each product is integrated with a payment gateway (Paystack, Flutterwave, PayPal, etc). With this, someone can easily click and order your product.
  2. Depending on the kind of product you have, you can decide to upload them as a vendor on other platforms like Amazon, Selar, Expertnaire, etc for digital products and Konga, Jumia, Jiji, etc for physical products.

After uploading, you copy the links and insert them in the articles you are publishing on your blog. With this, you are not bothered about setting up a payment system and you now have your website as an additional traffic source for your products.

  1. On the other side, you can own an e-commerce website. As big as it sounds, a lot of effort is required here but again, it is easier and faster when you make use of platforms like Shopify and Wix to build it. This is because they have put most of the things in place already. There are various templates to choose from, payment systems available, and even Search Engine Optimization tools.

With your e-commerce website in place, you can have other vendors sell on your website and pay you a commission anytime they make a sale.

Note that, for your online store to yield good results, it should be easy to navigate, must be responsive on all devices, and should also have features like catalogs, galleries, search and sort, blog, and other important features as I mentioned in Day 10.

Now, if owning an e-commerce website seem to be a big project for you at the moment, consider selling products on your personal website. As you use your website to showcase your brand through well-optimized content, you can create a section for your products and keep making sales in addition to your other channels.

Furthermore, when you keep track of your website visitors, you can know their interests and be able to market your products to them through their emails and other marketing channels as well.


You have done a great job building your brand and creating a website that represents it. Now you have to make sure that all of those efforts translate into sales. One of the effective ways of converting leads is by using landing pages.

A landing page is sometimes referred to as a ‘lead capture page’ or a ‘squeeze page’. A landing page is a standalone web page that a website visitor arrives on after clicking on a call to action for an offer. This is distinct from your homepage or any other page, it is specific to the offer and provides more details the visitor needs in order to make a confident decision.

Landing pages contain details about a product usually outline in bullet form to capture the attention of your visitors in a short time. The information on a landing page is sometimes long but can also be short especially when you are directing them to a sales page.

On your landing page, you have a form that your visitors fill in exchange for a valuable freebie. This freebie is referred to as a lead magnet. Everyone likes free things so when you offer to give out something for free, they are eager to fill the form with their correct details.

Visitors come to your landing page most time from a marketing campaign. So, they are coming with a particular need, that is why it is not good for them to land on your homepage where there is a lot of other information. They need a focused page that is offering the actual solution to their problem.

So, after collecting their data (name, email, or phone) you then redirect to a sales page where you’ve written a compelling sales copy. This sales page is aimed at converting your visitors to customers. This is where they are going to make the decision as to whether they’ll buy the product or not.

Now, here is the thing. Some will buy at that time but it is possible that MANY will not buy. The good thing is that all the people who have filled out the form on the landing page are interested in that product. Maybe they didn’t have enough money at that time or your sales copy is not very good or something.

This is the time for you to retarget them through emails and more Ads. So, it becomes a system. This is why it is important to automate it. You can automate emails that will be sent to them at each level in the marketing cycle.

How then can you create a landing page?

There are basically two ways to go about this:

  1. Use Your Own Website: You can create a landing page on your own website for free. This is very easy with Content Management Systems like WordPress where there are different templates to choose from.

With this, the landing page carries your domain name and the name of the page as its URL. The form on the landing page will then be integrated with an email marketing platform where you can easily automate your emails.

  1. Use an All-in-one Marketing Platform: There are some marketing tools that can help you create landing pages too. Here, they will give you a subdomain.

They have provisions for templates, email lists and automation, live chat, analytics, and many other features. Systeme, Hubspot, or Mailerlite can help you achieve this.

If you have a brand and you have not started using landing pages then you are losing out. Start now.


The most successful brands of all are those who own websites and also understand how to maximize their opportunities by incorporating other essential digital tools into them.

I want to write to you about Customer Relationship Management tools. You just have to start using it if you have not started already.

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool is a platform that helps in managing and monitoring your interactions with customers. It creates a robust database of all your customer information, including details on their preferences and buying habits, so that you can make the best decisions in marketing and sales.

You follow a simple process to integrate this tool with your website and it helps you collect data and create lists for different categories of customers.

Many CRM tools come with built-in automation features that can save you a lot of time and effort. Use these features whenever possible to streamline your processes and make your life easier.

It contains automation tools ranging from sales processes, lead generation, and opportunity tracking. Marketing automation tools include lead nurturing, email marketing, and social media campaigns. While the customer service and support tools include ticketing systems, knowledge bases, and live chat features.

CRM system with its analytics and reporting tools can help you track your performance and generate reports on your data, helping you to make better decisions about your general marketing strategy.

There are many CRM tools available on the internet, each with its own features and benefits. The most popular CRM tools are:

Salesforce (salesforce.com)

Salesforce is a CRM too with a comprehensive suite of customer relationship tools, alongside excellent integration and unrivaled customization. It offers a wide range of features such as sales automation, marketing automation, and analytics. Its prices are a bit high but affordable even for some small businesses.

HubSpot (hubspot.com)

HubSpot is another popular CRM tool that offers similar features as Salesforce. However, it is best for small businesses because of its free version and other unique features like integration with other tools such as Gmail and Outlook. It has a Calendar/Reminder system, document storage, forms, landing pages, and a live chat system as well.

Zoho (zoho.com)

Zoho is a CRM tool that is known for its affordability and ease of use. It offers features such as lead management, contact management, invoicing, and sales tracking. It has a free trial version and paid version of only $12 per annum.

Mailchimp (mailchimp.com)

It was primarily created as an email automation solution but can also be a strong CRM if it aligns with your needs. It can be used to segment, analyze and engage with your different categories of customers. It also has a free version.

You can consider looking at other CRM tools like Freshsales, Streak, Pipedrive, and Zendesk Sells also.

Once you visit their sites and signup, the integration process is simple. Some of them have plugins that you can easily install on your WordPress website.

It’s that simple. Start using it and see how easy the whole system will become.


As a brand, there is always a gap between your offer and the needs of your potential customers. This gap is bridged when there is a good customer relationship. You will not be maximizing the opportunities a website offers if you do not put in place a proper channel to instantly answer the questions your customer may have.

This is one of the major reasons why many online shoppers abandon their carts without checking out. So, from your analytics, you see that many people are viewing your sales copy but they are not buying. It could be that they have a question they want to ask immediately but there is no place to communicate with you urgently. They, therefore, leave the page and somehow, get the product somewhere else and make a purchase.

It’s a highly competitive world so you got to take no chances. In fact, competitors sometimes run ads to target your own customers. So there has to be a system in place to respond swiftly to issues your website visitors may have. A positive live chat experience can effectively help customers make a buying decision.

A live chat support system helps you achieve this on your website. There are some that can even respond automatically. All you do is insert the questions your visitors are likely to ask about the product and then match them with the answers. With this, they get instant replies without leaving your website.

Here, I will mention about 5 affordable and easy-to-use live chat software you can use on your website.

Hubspot (hubspot.com)

This is a popular all-in-one marketing platform that offers live chat and a chatbot builder. You can customize the live chat design to match your own branding and also create automated chatbots. It has a free plan and can be easily integrated with a WordPress website by using its plugin.

LiveChat (livechat.com)

LiveChat is very easy to set up and install using their free WordPress plugin. It offers a beautifully designed live chat support app that can be used on tablets and mobile devices also. LiveChat can also be integrated with several CRM tools, email marketing software, and messaging platforms like WhatsApp.

Pure Chat (purechat.com)

Pure Chat is also a free live chat tool that is designed to help businesses add their first live chat feature to their website. It has customizable design options including one where images can be uploaded. They offer a separate email form that can be used when chat is unavailable. This form is displayed during off hours.

Freshchat (freshworks.com)

Aside from the first interaction with the customers, this app focuses on building a relationship with them after the chat. Like Hubspot, it includes a user segmentation tool that can segment users based on actions they did or didn’t perform. This makes it easier in solving specific customer tickets or complaints.

ChatBot (chatbot.com)

This comes with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that you can use to create your own automated bot. A choice can be made from the many templates they have also. Its artificial intelligence helps you design conversation scenarios and chat routing that fits your business needs. ChatBot is not free anyways. Their plans start at $42/month though it has a 14-day trial period.

Other live chat support tools include Olark, Chatport, Smartupp, and more. Check them out and start using one on your website.

It’ll make a world of difference in your business.


They say “there are always two sides to a coin, and you should always try looking at the side that makes you feel happier.”

Website Design is not an exception at all. I have been showing you many ways you can use a website to strategically position your business and stand out from the crowd but there’s also another side to it. Both are positive though.

There are several other business owners who do not have the time to design and manage their websites themselves even as simple as website design is. Most of them have ‘financial muscles’ and are ready to outsource it.

These people can become your clients. So, your web design skill is not just for your business alone, you can use it and grow someone else’s business and get paid. For me, I charge a minimum of $100 to design a simple website that will help them make good sales.

If you are using Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Wix, and Shopify, it won’t take you more than a week to finish and deliver this job.

You see this other side of the coin, there is no limit to the amount you can be paid for a project. This, however, depends on a number of factors but it’s a story for another day.

I know by now you must be asking yourself how these kinds of jobs are gotten. That’s very good. It means you are serious about making good money on the internet with this skill.

Now, the first thing you got to do is to learn and master the skill. This is what building your own website does to you. It helps you know the kind of platform to use, the plugins to use, what kind of landing pages to use at what point, the platform you can use for live chat support, the payment gateway, and all other features.

Such that, when you are designing for your client, you are not giving them crap but exactly what will help them achieve their business goals. Spend some time here!

After learning and mastering the skill itself, you got to position yourself as someone who ‘knows his onions’. Now, this does not only apply to website design. In any ‘camp’ you have decided to ‘pitch your tent’ let people see you as someone who is serious with what he does.

You might not be an expert yet but let it be known that you are headed somewhere. Let the difference be clear from the vast majority of people in the field.

Now, apart from having your personal website, social media helps a lot when it comes to this. Note that people only hire you when they see some credibility indicators about you. In fact, those who have more of these indicators are the most patronized not the ones with the most knowledge or expertise per se.

We will look into these indicators another day but first, you have to optimize your social media handles.

Start with your Facebook account. Once someone opens your Facebook profile, it should send a good message to them about your brand. Check your cover photo, profile picture, bio, about, and the features sections. These are very important.

You are the one that will tell us who you are and how we should perceive you. As I said earlier, this is not only about website design. Optimize your profile to promote that particular skill or brand you want to be known for.

Then what kind of posts can we see when we come to your timeline? Do they speak well of you? Can those posts help us see you as an expert or someone who knows where he is headed to?

What kind of comments do you drop on other people’s posts? Are they useful comments or you are just ‘catching cruise’ everywhere? Who would want to contract someone who spends all their time ‘catching cruise’ on social media?

What do we see on your status on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc? Crap? You got to put your house in order.

When you do all these properly then you start attracting the right people who can trust you with their website design jobs. Understand that it is a process it does not happen at once but it all depends on the efforts you put in.


I began yesterday by telling you how it is important to put your house in order by having a personal website and then optimizing your social media handles. This is very crucial. When people meet people these days, they search for their names on Google. If your prospective clients search yours, what would they see? Put your house in order.

Moving forward, you have to accept the fact that there is so much competition. You can see this in every field though. This is not to scare you, but to help you make deliberate efforts to stand out from the crowd. This got to do with learning and implementing the right skills consistently. You might be an expert in web design but when it comes to selling your services, this requires a different set of skills.

Now, there are many ways you can get website design clients. But first, note that none of them happen by default. You got to be strategic about it. Make conscious efforts otherwise it won’t come to you. That’s just the fact.

So apart from creating your own website where you showcase your services, I will mention 5 strategies you can adopt in order to get more clients.

Join social media groups with your ideal clients

The fact is that many people spend a lot of time on social media these days including your potential clients. You already know that you are targeting professionals and business owners. Social media groups allow you to reach out to people all over the world in a matter of minutes.

By putting this series on Facebook, it brought several people to my inbox who ended up buying my WordPress Website Design Course. Leverage on groups, offer value, and also let people know that you are open to work.

Ask for referrals

You have a network of friends or people you have already worked with, they know your capability. Reach out to these people from time to time and ask for referrals. Volunteering helps here too. You can volunteer to design a website for an organization or a business. While you include that in your portfolio, they will also be happy to refer others to you if you actually did a good job.

Visit Local Businesses

With the use of Google Maps or any online business directory, you will get to know businesses around you that can afford to own a website. Check and be sure they do not have a website, you could notice that some have but they are quite outdated and a lot of things need fixing. So, it becomes a matter of calling to book an appointment. For some distant businesses, you can pitch yourself through email.

Be Present on a Freelance Website

There are freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, etc where you create an account, put up a good profile, your skills and a link to your portfolio. People can reach out to you here. You can also send proposals to gigs you have seen that requires your skill and get hired.

Organize Free Training

This might be very tasking at times but it opens doors for you also. This could be online training, physical training, or both. When you give out the knowledge you learn more and in the process, you also advertise yourself. This strategy works too.

Please note that all of these 5 strategies mentioned here require effort. You might face rejections at some point but it should not be a source of discouragement to you. It is normal. Rather try to figure out where you got it wrong and re-strategize and bounce back.

That’s how we roll…


We have been able to establish that your website is actually an asset. It is an investment you have made; an investment every business owner got to make. We learned on Day 4 that having your own website is not negotiable at all. But a website that is not secured cannot sustain your online business for long.

The same way you build a wall of protection around your business premises, with a strong gate and burglary proof on all doors to prevent “men of the underworld” from breaking in is the same way you got to protect your “own land” on the internet.

You see how people say that it is not good to put all your eggs in one basket. You have also preached that one has to diversify and have multiple streams of income. In other words, having plan B and even plan C. This usually (not all the time) comes as a result of averting the risk of losing it all – If this fails, then I will fall back on the other.

Look at your website with that same eye when it comes to securing it. This time not about the streams of income but about where to fall back on if anything happens to the data on your website. You got to have a plan B and that is to back up your website data regularly.

So, we are talking about two things here; protecting the website on the server and then having a backup version of your website saved somewhere else.

Now, you do not necessarily have to be a cyber security expert to do this. However, there are some basic things you must pay attention to, even as Content Management Systems and hosting companies play their part. Note the following:

  1. Use SSL Certificate: You must have visited some sites and just close to where you insert the domain name or URL you see ‘not secure’. These sites do not have SSL Certificates installed on them.

This certificate secures the transfer of information between your website and the server. Once you install it on your website, it turns from HTTP to HTTPS. So, you now have something like 𝗁𝗍𝗍𝗉𝗌://𝗐𝗐𝗐.𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗄𝖾𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗈𝗋.𝖼𝗈𝗆.

Some hosting companies offer a free SSL Certificate but in some cases, you buy from an external source.

  1. Use Strong Password: If you are making use of a content management system, you have two passwords. The one to your CMS platform and the one to your Control Panel. Ensure that both are strong and can not be easily guessed.

Strong passwords consist of a mixture of capital letters, small letters, special characters, and numbers. Its length also matters, longer passwords are stronger.

  1. Keep your website platform and software up-to-date: To prevent malicious hackers from intruding into your code, you have to regularly update your website platform, plugins and PHP version for WordPress users.

This is very important. Once you open your WordPress dashboard, you can view all the outdated software and quickly update them. Most of them have an automatic update button, just turn it on.

  1. Take precautions when accepting file uploads: It’ll be cool if you can avoid making provisions for file upload on your website. Many websites do not even need it however when it becomes necessary, you got to take precautions.

Create a whitelist of allowed file extensions, scan files, automatically rename files upon upload, and keep the upload folder outside of the webroot. These measures can help a lot.

Now, the second part which has to do with backing up your website is also simple. There are plugins like WP Vivid and All-in-one Migration which can help you either backup your website to a cloud-based storage system (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc) or on your local computer.

So with these plugins, you can set up an automatic backup maybe weekly so that if anything happens with your website on the server, you can quickly restore the backup version. This gives peace of mind.

These measures I have mentioned here can go a long way in securing your website. 


For those who are successful or have gotten clarity about their journey into greatness, they know that as long as the earth remaineth, learning and implementation shall never cease. The major reason why many people do not progress in their endeavors is either they refused to learn or they refused to implement what they’ve learned.

If you have read down to this point then you will agree with me that much has been said about Website Design that can help you make more money online. This is not about a particular business. Every brand, needs it. And so, my goal is to help you do it properly and make the maximum profit.

That is why I have recorded practical videos at 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘰𝘳.𝘤𝘰𝘮/𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘴 to show you in detail, how it is done. You are added to our support community once you have enrolled.

Website Design used to be difficult in the past but with the emergence of Content Management Systems, a lot of things have become very easy.

Leverage the tools programmers have made available and grow your brand. Stop trekking when you have a Rolls Royce Phantom in your garage. It will take you a longer time to arrive at your destination. Rather use your Rolls Royce and ensure you are moving on the Fastlane.

Also, while choosing a domain name for your website, ensure you have a simple name that people can easily remember. Try as much as possible to keep it short. This will help them revisit it easily.

Remember that your website is your business premises on the internet so you got to make it easy to navigate and offer instant live chat support so that all the questions of your customers can get answered. Integrating your social media handles on the website also goes a long way in helping the visitors connect with you better.

Again, note that when you have a blog on your website, it becomes a place where you can publish your content to drive more visitors to your website through search engines. With this in mind always submit the links of your posts to Google Search Console, so that they can be indexed in Google’s library. This helps Google (the most powerful search engine) to pick out your post and display it to your potential customers.

Your site will even receive more visitors if you target organic traffic by doing proper keyword research before writing your content. As your budget may permit, you can even go for paid traffic where designing landing pages and writing sales copies becomes necessary.

If you look on the other side, you’ll discover that there are business owners who are so busy but have enough money to outsource this “website design thing”. As a website designer, you can get paid for designing a website, landing page, writing/publishing blog posts, and all that. Who says you cannot have multiple streams of income?

Website design skill is crucial in this age. If you do not need it, your business needs it.

Look into this matter.

Thank you for reading through.

Remember it is learning and implementation that yields results.

Beston Keghtor

Get started with The Website Business Mastery Course here.

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